Estimation of new pear cultivars on stocks of clonal and seeded quince in the Crimean conditions
This article gives a comparative estimation of zoned and promising pear cultivars by trees growth vigour, precocious fructification, yield and quality of fruits grown on stocks of clonal and seeded quince. It was found that the rates of trees growth vigour, stem diameter, total and average increase depended more on a cultivar than on a stock. The cultivars with intense (2.8-3.2 m) and weak (1.7-2.3 m) growth of trees were sorted out. The stocks influence on precocious fructification, yield and fruit quality of the studied pear cultivars wasn»t noted. On an average for 2008-2012 the highest yield (34-49 t/ha) on quince clonal and seeded stocks was observed among the following cultivars: «Tavricheskaya», «Maria», «Starokrymskaya», «Pamyati Mileshko», «Natalka» and «Yakimovskaya». The cultivars with high saleable and taste qualities of fruits were pointed out such as «Desertnaya», «Krymskaya aromatnaya», «Krymskaya medovaya», «Lazurnaya», «Maria», «Mechta», «Sofiya» and «Izyuminka Kryma». It is given a brief description of breeding cultivars of the Crimean Experimental Station of Horticulture that have a complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics and are popular among Ukrainian gardeners.
About the Authors
R. D. BabinaUkraine
P. G. Horuzhi
I. V. Lyapugin
L. Yu. Grishaneva
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For citations:
Babina R.D., Horuzhi P.G., Lyapugin I.V., Grishaneva L.Yu. Estimation of new pear cultivars on stocks of clonal and seeded quince in the Crimean conditions. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):372-380. (In Russ.)