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Species composition of pear diseases complex in changing weather conditions


Many authors indicate on the reinforcement of diseases harmfulness and appearance earlier not typical for central Russia. It began appearing in seed crops plantings, including pears, as a result of changing weather conditions. Thereby, the whole complex of pear diseases requires a detailed study, with the discovery of the most wide-spread and harmful amongst them, as well as the study of the regional particularities of the passing of pathogens biological cycles, connected with the climatic conditions change. The dependence of spreading and development of pear pathogen complex components on weather conditions of 2009-2011 vegetation seasons was considered. The dynamics of the components complex correlation with the main abiotic factors was noted. Composition changes of significant pathogens were revealed as well.

About the Author

A. N. Bondarenko
ГНУ Всероссийский НИИ селекции плодовых культур Россельхозакадемии
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Bondarenko A.N. Species composition of pear diseases complex in changing weather conditions. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):387-393. (In Russ.)

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