Ripening phenorythmics and main fruit quality charatcteristics of cherry cultivars of zoned and promising assortment of the South Ukrainian Steppe
In the article the results of the study of maturing terms and fruit quality of sour cherry cultivars and dukes of Melitopol Research Station of Horticulture of M.F. Sidorenko of the Institute of Horticulture of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences and introduced cultivars for the period of 2004-2010 in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine are given. The cultivars which are the sources of early («Ranni desert», «Melitoposkaya radost») and late («Kapriz», «Griot Turovtsevoi») maturing terms have been selected. The cultivars with the largest fruits (6.3-8.3 g) were the ones passed into the State Register of Varieties – «Ranni desert», «Vstrecha», «Sputnitsa», «Griot melitopolski», «Igrushka», «Melitopolskaya desertnays», «Solidarnost», «Eruditka» and promising cultivars such as «Seedling of Turovtsevoi», «Prizvanie», «Melitopolskaya novinka», «Melitopolskaya purpurnaya», «Randevu», «Elegia» and «Vizavi». Sour-sweet taste which is the most harmonic and traditional for sour cherry has appeared to be at the following cultivars «Ozhidaniye», «Amulet», «Melitoposkaya radost», «Shalunjya» and «Griot Podbelski». Selected cultivars being the sources of valuable features are recommended for planting sour cherry orchards, as well as for the use in the breeding work.
About the Author
A. N. Shkinder-BarminaUkraine
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For citations:
Shkinder-Barmina A.N. Ripening phenorythmics and main fruit quality charatcteristics of cherry cultivars of zoned and promising assortment of the South Ukrainian Steppe. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):394-399. (In Russ.)