Economic and biological estimation of domestic and foreign strawberry cultivars in Crimean conditions
The article presents the study results of domestic and foreign strawberry cultivars. Terms of basic phenological phases of plants development such as the beginning of vegetation, flowering and fruiting were established. The study also provides the data about berries yield and quality. As a result of the four year research the following cultivars, adapted to the Crimean soil and conditions, were sorted out according to the complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics: «Krymskaya rannyaya», «Krymchanka», «Zenga-Zengana», «Prisvyata», «Red Gauntlet», «Polka», «Kleri», «Bel rubi» and «Festivalnaya romashka». The following sources of valuable characteristics are recommended as initial forms for breeding: by yield – «Festivalnaya romashka», «Dukat», «Krymchanka» and «Istochnik»; by large fruits – «Red Gauntlet», «Honeyo», «Crimean remontant», «Dukat» and «Polka»; by frost tolerance – «Sunrise», «Kleri» and «Olviya»; by tolerance to fungoid diseases – «Crimean remontant», «Istochnik», «Kleri», «Olviya» and «Dukat». It is given a brief description of some strawberry cultivars included to the National Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine.
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For citations:
Arifova Z.I. Economic and biological estimation of domestic and foreign strawberry cultivars in Crimean conditions. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):413-418. (In Russ.)