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Influence of fruit rationing on the formation of anabolic area and fruit wood by apple trees of Minkar cultivar


The results of the influence of fruit rationing of apple trees using the thinning of flowers and ovaries by hand, as well as application of water solutions of gibberellin and arboline upon formation of leaf area and fruiting wood of the trees as main components of formation of high-quality yield are given in the article. It was determined that all methods of fruit rationing had positive effect, while results of their influence were determined by conditions of the vegetation and intensity of growth processes, controlled by cultivar reaction.

It was determined that methods of rationing increased anabolic area of the trees in average by 25 %, which increased the yield by 5-31 %, average weight of the fruit – by 12 %, the amount of the first class fruit – by 19 %. Unit of leaf area had the most effect on the yield in the variants without fruit rationing and with rationing of flowers and ovaries by hand (r = 0.84; 0.76; 0.80).

Fruit rationing of the trees stimulated formation of fruiting wood in average by 26 %, and besides had the most effect (by 1.4 times) – with application of phytohormonal preparations. Strong direct correlation (r = 0.92) between anabolic area and formation of fruiting wood was determined.

About the Authors

A. B. Rastorguev
Мелитопольская опытная станция садоводства (МОСС) имени М.Ф. Сидоренко ИС НААН

T. N. Barabash
Мелитопольская опытная станция садоводства (МОСС) имени М.Ф. Сидоренко ИС НААН


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For citations:

Rastorguev A.B., Barabash T.N. Influence of fruit rationing on the formation of anabolic area and fruit wood by apple trees of Minkar cultivar. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):298-305. (In Russ.)

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