Cutting the industrial apple orchards in the central orchard zone with regard to extreme weather conditions
Pruning fruit trees is one of the main agricultural methods in the creation of intensive plantations. Crown formation tasks depend on the type of an orchard and they are changed with the plantation age. Research and monitoring of the most important winter damaging factors in the central Russia were held in Tambov, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Belgorod regions during 2005 and 2012.
The main factors affecting the choice of fruit pruning in apple orchards are biological characteristics of cultivars, weather conditions, type of crowns, age of trees and their condition and loading trees flower buds.
To accelerate the trees entry into commodity fruiting and to reduce the payback period of the production costs for the orchards at semi-dwarf rootstocks and rootstocks of average growth rate it is recommended to form a crown with an increased number of main branches in the lower combined tier of 4-5 branches.
About the Authors
N. P. SdvizhkovRussian Federation
A. V. Solov‘ev
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Sdvizhkov N.P., Solov‘ev A.V. Cutting the industrial apple orchards in the central orchard zone with regard to extreme weather conditions. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):306-312. (In Russ.)