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Influence of different mulch types in a nursery on features of growth processes, commodity and economic efficiency of apple seedlings growing on vegetative rootstocks


The article presents the results of studies on the effect of different types of mulch in the nursery for moisture, nutrient status, soil temperature, all growth processes of apple trees in the second nursery field; as well as marketability of apple trees and their growing economic effect on vegetative rootstocks. It was found that mulching leads to improved nutrient status of the soil; it lowers the temperature of the soil, which in turn has a positive effect on the growth processes of apple seedlings.

It is most expedient to use sawdust mulch (with feeding); and humus (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer) and peat (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer). The results of studying the intensity and growth amount of the oculants in dynamics showed that the combined variants such as humus (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer) and peat (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer) provided an increase tillering (number and length of branching), as compared with the control by 0.5-1.9 times, and the standard by 0.3-1.0 times.

Indicator of profitability, in versions with mulch, has increased by 7.2-92.8 % and 11.1-98.2 % relatively to the control and the standard, respectively; net profit has made 360.9-892.7 thousand UAH/ha.

About the Authors

I. I. Khomenko
Городищенский колледж УГАУ; Институт помологии им. Л.П. Симиренко НААН Украины

V. V. Voloshin
Городищенский колледж УГАУ; Институт помологии им. Л.П. Симиренко НААН Украины


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For citations:

Khomenko I.I., Voloshin V.V. Influence of different mulch types in a nursery on features of growth processes, commodity and economic efficiency of apple seedlings growing on vegetative rootstocks. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):313-325. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)