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The effect mode of endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas gen toxints on phytopathogenic fungi and host-plant within large-and-small fruit crops


Testing of fruit and small fruit crops for the presence of endophytic microbiota revealed the existence of bacteria in the plant tissues of the genus Pseudomonas and fungi, mainly relating to necrotrophic. An assessment of the nature of exposure to toxins endophytic bacteria on phytopathogenic fungi isolated from tissues of different cultivars of cherry, red and black currant and gooseberry was made. Antagonistic action of bacteria metabolites against pathogens of dangerous diseases of fruit and small fruit crops was established. Bacterial strains from the internal tissues of the most adaptive forms and cultivars possess more pronounced fungicidal and fungistatic activity. The stimulatory effect of weak solutions of bacterial culture filtrate plants cherries and strawberries and toxic effects of metabolites bacteria at higher concentrations were revealed. Concentration of 10 % of culture fluid was recommended to use for differentiation of cherry and strawberry cultivars for a resistance to bacterial toxins.

About the Authors

M. V. Maslova
ГНУ ВНИИГиСПР им. И.В. Мичурина
Russian Federation

I. V. Luk‘yanchuk
ГНУ ВНИИГиСПР им. И.В. Мичурина
Russian Federation

K. V. Zaitseva
ГНУ ВНИИГиСПР им. И.В. Мичурина
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Maslova M.V., Luk‘yanchuk I.V., Zaitseva K.V. The effect mode of endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas gen toxints on phytopathogenic fungi and host-plant within large-and-small fruit crops. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):345-350. (In Russ.)

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