Chamber testing of biofungicide Vitaplan efficiency against powdery mildew on black currants and its approval in crop protection
Nowadays the application of biological means of plant protection is of significant importance as it provides the retaining of natural complex of living organisms. Plant protection guided by biological means against insects, diseases and pests simultaneously makes it possible to solve the problems of maintaining the yield, increasing the fruit quality, protecting the environment and human health.
The goal of the investigations was to determine a biological potential of resistance of promising black currant cultivars to a complex of diseases and to develop an accelerated method of efficiency evaluation of new biofungicide Vitaplan against powdery mildew on the crop as well as to improve the system of black currant protection on the basis of using of microbiological spicemens certified for use and included into the State Register of Pesticides 2012 and to introduce VIZR exploratory developments for the purpose of means expansion of microbiological protection which are highly effective against pathogens and pests.
The presented development of black currant protection with introducing of a wide spectrum of biological spicemens is a real possibility of obtaining ecologically pure production at the expense of a persistent biopesticide pressing under decreasing chemical treatments.
About the Author
E. A. KozlovaRussian Federation
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For citations:
Kozlova E.A. Chamber testing of biofungicide Vitaplan efficiency against powdery mildew on black currants and its approval in crop protection. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):365-371. (In Russ.)