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Influence of complex-effect compounds of Volat type on apple fruits storability of the cultivar Imant at long-term storage


Within 2011-2013 the influence of complex-effect compounds developed at the Unitary Enterprise ‗Unitehprom BGU‘ on productivity, fruits quality and storability of apple cultivar Imant was studied. They represent a complex of natural bioactive compounds on the basis of humic acids.

Fourfold treatment of trees and fruits of the cultivar Imant by the complex-effect compound Volat-9 at the concentration of 50 g per 100 l (the 1st one is during blooming, the 2nd one in 2 weeks after blooming, the 3rd one in 3 weeks after blooming and the 4th one is in 4 weeks after blooming) promotes a decrease in prevalence of bitter pit on fruits during the crop formation period as well as an increase in yield of marketable fruits per tree.

Fruits of the apple cultivar Imant treated by the compounds Volat-8 and Volat-9 possess the best storability index at their long-term storage and marketing periods.

About the Authors

D. I. Martsinkevich
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

A. M. Krivorot
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Martsinkevich D.I., Krivorot A.M. Influence of complex-effect compounds of Volat type on apple fruits storability of the cultivar Imant at long-term storage. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):394-399. (In Russ.)

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