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Residual effect of fruits storage of domestic plum depending on atmosphere composition


Within 2011-2013 investigations on the study of residual effect of fruits storage of domestic plum were carried out in the storage and processing department of the Institute for Fruit Growing. Fruits of 7 domestic plum cultivars cultivated in the Institute for Fruit Growing were the objects of the research.

It has been established that, at use of various storage modes for domestic plum fruits, first of all it is necessary to sale products stored in the conditions of regular atmosphere (1-3 days), further, fruits from the modified atmosphere (3-5 days) and finally, ones after controlled atmosphere (standard and with ultralow content of oxygen) (5 days).

Terms of sale of domestic plum fruits of the cultivars Volat and Narach after their storage are possible to increase up to 10 days.

A storage mode factor makes an essential influence on all indexes of the storability. The yield of sound fruits and fruit rot at an assessment of the residual effect depend also on cultivar characteristics (influence percentage of cultivar factor has made 27.9 % and 24.8 % respectively).

About the Authors

O. S. Karanik
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

A. M. Krivorot
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Karanik O.S., Krivorot A.M. Residual effect of fruits storage of domestic plum depending on atmosphere composition. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):406-412. (In Russ.)

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