Gooseberry productivity in irrigation conditions
This paper presents the results of studies on berries productivity and quality of some gooseberry cultivars: «Kolobok», «Smena», «Kaptivator», «Grushenka», «Sadko», «Severnyi kapitan». Gooseberry plantation was planted in 2004 with the planting distance of 1.5 x 1.0 m. The yield on irrigated land was estimated in the period of 2007-2010 years. It was established, that despite the plantation irrigation which can remove the lack of soil moisture, we cannot exclude the influence of climatic factors on berries productivity and quality. They are the impact of low air humidity, high soil and air temperatures as well as the qualitative characteristics of the cultivars. The average weight of gooseberry fruits in the area ranged by the cultivars within 2.1 g at the cultivar «Grushenka» and 3.9 g at the cultivar «Kaptivator». The maximum berry weight was marked within 2.7-4.3 g. The average berries yield obtained in the field of the studied cultivats ranged from 1.2 kg/bush to 2.9 kg/bush. The maximum yield ranged within 1.5-4.9 kg/bush. The cultivars «Kaptivator», «Severnyi kapitan» and «Kolobok» were identified as the most productive ones. Their yield amounted to 2.9 - 2.8 - 2.1 kg/bush respectively.
About the Author
P. SаvаMoldova, Republic of
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For citations:
Sаvа P. Gooseberry productivity in irrigation conditions. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):433-438. (In Russ.)