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Ecological and biological peculiarities of the own rooted propagation of sea buckthorn (Hippohae rhamnoides L.) cultivars on the territory of the Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine


It was found that on the territory of the Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine not all sea buckthorn cultivars were characterized by high regenerative ability at rooting by green stem cuttings in the conditions of fine wet. The data obtained during the propagation of micro and macro cuttings gave the opportunity to separate studied sea-buckthorn cultivars and forms into three groups – with light, average and low morphogenic regenerative ability. Cuttings‘ regenerative ability much depends on their cutting terms, sprout type and their metameric characteristics. It has been revealed that on newly formed lateral roots of the rooted cuttings peritrophic mycorrhiza is produced. Later it develops into a nodule or coral growths. The newly formed nodules consist of the same tissues as the roots. It has been established that the process of root initials formation is not dependent on nodules formation. Completed researches improve technological aspects of the own rooted propagation of the sea buckthorn cultivars.

For citations:

Mikolajko I.I., Balabak A.F. Ecological and biological peculiarities of the own rooted propagation of sea buckthorn (Hippohae rhamnoides L.) cultivars on the territory of the Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):439-446. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)