Estimation of resistance to powdery mildew of ‘Otava’ and ‘Pinova’ descendants in apple breeding nursery
The article presents the study results of ‘Pinova’ and ‘Otava’ cultivars efficiency use as sources of resistance to powdery mildew. The hybridological analysis showed the most promising cross combinations. The output of highly resistant and resistant to powdery mildew apple seedlings were obtained: ‘Pinova’ × 2003-8/35 – 98 %, ‘Pinova’ × 2000-7/24 – 100 %, ‘Otava’ × 2004-61/47 – 90 %, ‘Pinova’ × 2003-9/42 – 100 %. The character of inheritance by descendants varied from intermediate to negative over dominance of the studied sign. There was indicated predomination in the hybrid populations of seedlings with bigger (10-86 %) resistance to the pathogen P. leucotricha, than in parent components. As the result the donor properties of ‘Pinova’ and ‘Otava’ cultivars in breeding for resistance to powdery mildew were confirmed.
About the Authors
Z. A. KozlovskayaBelarus
T. A. Gashenko
V. V. Vasekha
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For citations:
Kozlovskaya Z.A., Gashenko T.A., Vasekha V.V. Estimation of resistance to powdery mildew of ‘Otava’ and ‘Pinova’ descendants in apple breeding nursery. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):25-30. (In Russ.)