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Economic evaluation of apple plantation constructions on weakly growing clonal rootstocks


The data on early maturing and productiveness of various apple plantation constructions are given in the article. 7 variants of the planting schemes were the objects of investigations. Among them apple varieties such as 'Antonovka obyknovennaya' and 'Verbnaye'; clonal rootstocks like 54-118 (a semidwarf one) and 62-396 (a dwarf one). Yield and fruits quality, economic efficiency of fruits production in the studied plantation constructions were the subject of the study. The results of the experimental data and economic evaluation of plantations of various construction give ground to recommend the following plantation constructions for production: 'Antonovka obyknovennaya' and 'Verbnaye' trees on semidwarf rootstock 54-118 to plant at the scheme 4 x 1.5 m with planting density 1666 trees per hectare); 'Antonovka obyknovennaya' trees on dwarf rootstock 62-396 to plant at the scheme 4 x 1 m, 'Verbnaye' variety trees to plant at the scheme (4 + 1) x 1.6 m with planting density of 2500 trees per hectare.

About the Author

I. S. Leonovich
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Leonovich I.S. Economic evaluation of apple plantation constructions on weakly growing clonal rootstocks. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:45-52. (In Russ.)

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