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Fruit growth, yield and quality of apple varieties ‘Antei’ and ‘Alesya’ in intensive orchard depending on rootstocks growth vigour and crowning types of planting material


The data of comparative characteristic of growth vigour, yield and fruit quality of apple varieties ‘Antei’ and ‘Alesya’ on super dwarf rootstock PB-4 and dwarf rootstock 62-396 in the orchard planted by two-year-old seedlings depending on crowning variants in a nursery are given in the article. Variants of seedlings crowning in a nursery were influencing in a different way on trees state, growth indexes and yield. By the average data for five years (2006-2010) at variety and rootstock apple combinations, main indexes of vegetative growth were higher at unpruned trees as the indexes of vegetative growth depended in a greater degree on rootstock growth vigour. On the eighth year after planting the stem cross sectional area was 3 times higher at apple trees on dwarf rootstock 62-396 and the length of one-year-old increment was 2 times bigger than at trees on super dwarf rootstock PB-4. Yield at studied variety and rootstock apple combinations was higher at trees crowned in a nursery at 80 cm height except ‘Alesya’ variety on dwarf rootstock 62-396 as the yield in that case was higher at unpruned trees. Apple trees productiveness of both varieties on dwarf rootstock 62-396 was higher than at trees on super dwarf rootstock PB-4 and the total yield for 2006-2010 at comparative variants was higher more than in two times.

About the Author

T. V. Ryabtseva
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Ryabtseva T.V. Fruit growth, yield and quality of apple varieties ‘Antei’ and ‘Alesya’ in intensive orchard depending on rootstocks growth vigour and crowning types of planting material. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:60-71. (In Russ.)

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