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Growth and fruiting of ‘Idared’, ‘Shampion’ and ‘Jonagold’ apple cultivars in the south-west of Belarus


The investigations were held during 2010-2011 in the orchard of agricultural production cooperative ‘Ostromechevo’ of Brest region of Brest district. The farmstead is located in the western subzone of the southern fruiting zone. The cultivars ‘Idared’, ‘Shampion’ and ‘Jonagold’ on the clonal rootstock M26 were planted in 2006. The planting scheme was 4 x 1.5 m. The influence of training altitude of slender spindle (2.0 m, 2.5 and 3.0 m after tree pruning) on apple tree growth and fruiting was studied. It wasn’t revealed the real influence of altitude training variants on trees growth vigour. Only cultivar difference was marked. Trees of ‘Jonagold’ cultivar were growing more intensively and cross sectional stem area was on the average larger by 4.2 cm2 than at ‘Idared’ cultivar and by 3.8 cm2 larger than at ‘Shampion’ cultivar. Larger yield of 8.8 t/ha was gotten at ‘Idared’ cultivar on the fifth year after planting just as 51.1 t/ha on the average was gotten at ‘Jonagold’ cultivar on the six year after planting.

About the Authors

N. S. Krivolevich
СПК «Остромечево»

N. G. Kapichnikova
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


1. Агроклиматический справочник. – Мн.: Изд-во «Урожай», 1970. – 248 с.

2. Сорта плодовых, ягодных, орехоплодных культур и винограда, включенные в Государственный реестр сортов и древесно-кустарниковых пород и находящиеся на испытании в Государственной инспекции по испытанию и охране сортов растений / РУП «Институт плодоводства». – Самохваловичи, 2012. – 28 с.

3. Программа и методика сортоизучения плодовых, ягодных и орехоплодных культур / ВНИИСПК; под общей ред. Е.Н. Седова и Т.П. Огольцовой. – Орел: Изд-во ВНИИСПК, 1999. – 608 с.


For citations:

Krivolevich N.S., Kapichnikova N.G. Growth and fruiting of ‘Idared’, ‘Shampion’ and ‘Jonagold’ apple cultivars in the south-west of Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):31-35. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)