Promising sour cherry hybrids of the Institute for Fruit Growing breeding
The results of initial cultivar study of basic economic and biological indicators of 36 own breeding sour cherry hybrids of 2000-2006 planting are given in the article. To improve sour cherry assortment for breeding in the directions mentioned below and based on the results of sour cherry samples study, 13 sources of winter hardiness (84-6/1, 98-7/15, 98-8/1, 98-8/18, 86-15/50, 86-16/29, 91-27/40, 93-28/99, 93-28/101, 97-31/67, 97-32/95, 97-33/29, 97-97-33/43), 7 ones of high productivity (84-6/1, 98-7/30, 98-8/18, 93-28/99, 93-28/101, 97-32/95, 97-33/29), 3 ones of high complex disease resistance (98-8/18, 93-28/99, 97-32/95), and 6 sources of high fruit quality (84-6/1, 98-7/15, 98-8/18, 86-15/50, 97-32/95, 01-7/1) were singled out. 5 cherry hybrid seedlings (84-6/1, 98-7/15, 98-8/18, 93-28/99, 97-32/95) were revealed by the complex of economically valuable characteristics (high winter hardiness, high yield and fruit quality and disease resistance). The very seedlings are the challengers for elite seedlings and future cultivars.
About the Authors
M. I. VyshinskayaBelarus
A. A. Taranov
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For citations:
Vyshinskaya M.I., Taranov A.A. Promising sour cherry hybrids of the Institute for Fruit Growing breeding. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):76-81. (In Russ.)