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In vitro propagation of strawberry released cultivars ‘Vima Zanta’ and ‘Dukat’


The results of determination of the optimal concentration of benzyladenine in the medium during in vitro multiplication of two strawberry cultivars included into the State Register of Cultivars and Trees and Shrubs Varieties are presented. For ‘Vima Zanta’ is recommended to use Murashige-Skoog medium with the addition of 0.5 and 0.4 mg/l of benzyladenine, which allows to reach propagation coefficient of 9.78 and receive more than 20 % of well-developed regenerants. For cultivar ‘Dukat’ the optimal medium is MS, supplemented with 0.3 or 0.4 mg/l BA. The multiplication coefficient exceed 7, while the rate of plants ready for transferring to rooting medium above 30 %. Recommended concentrations of benzyladenine let to obtain a sufficient number of well-developed regenerants suitable for further propagation in vitro and for rooting, adaptation to non-sterile conditions and planting in the ground.

About the Author

S. E. Semenas
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Semenas S.E. In vitro propagation of strawberry released cultivars ‘Vima Zanta’ and ‘Dukat’. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):91-98. (In Russ.)

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