Influence of heredity and complex of agricultural actions on formation of the above-ground vegetative sphere of the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) in the Belarusian Poozerye
Lowbush blueberry (V. angustifolium) is a promising North American berry bush for cultivation on the worked upper peat bogs in the north of Belarus. The investigation results show that the formation of the above-ground vegetative sphere of plants of this species (diameter of a horizontal crown projection, the bush height and the elevated part volume) is defined, first of all, by their heredity. The value of a complex of agricultural actions consists of conditions creation for more complete manifestation of plants genetic potential in specific growth conditions. Application of mineral fertilizer complex is the main condition for a successful blueberry culture on the worked upper peat bogs. Mulching with sawdust of coniferous breeds and fine-grained sand, treatment by fungicide solution «Azofos» in a combination with optimization of plants mineral nutrition promote increase in values of indicators of the aboveground vegetative sphere. The first experiment results with shoots cutting indicate a high regenerative capacity of lowbush blueberry.
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For citations:
Hardzei D.V. Influence of heredity and complex of agricultural actions on formation of the above-ground vegetative sphere of the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) in the Belarusian Poozerye. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):190-203. (In Russ.)