Microsporogenesis peculiarities of the diploid plum tree
Cytological study of the microsporogenesis process at samples of the diploid plum variety will let to find out the character and reasons of the male gametophyte infertility of the samples under research and will give the opportunity of genotypes selection for their using as parents and further breeding research. During the investigation there were revealed anomalies at male gametophyte formation of intraspecific diploid plum hybrids which led to maldistribution of genetic material among poles of melocytes division. At all meiosis stages distortions appeared to be such as synapsis emission (conjugation of homologous chromosomes), univalent’s emission (singular, non conjugative chromosomes), univalent’s overrunning, one or several chromosomes lagging, irregular chromosome segregation, unequal nucleous size, formation of micro nucleuses, chromosome bridges, etc.
About the Authors
M. N. VasilievaBelarus
V. A. Matveyev
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For citations:
Vasilieva M.N., Matveyev V.A. Microsporogenesis peculiarities of the diploid plum tree. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:121-128. (In Russ.)