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Influence of trees crown formation on growth and yield of diploid plum tree


Within 2005-2010 the investigations were made to find out the influence of shape and terms of crown pruning of the diploid plum tree on growth and tree fruiting and determination of the most rational one for the following studied varieties 'Asaloda', 'Kometa', 'Lama' and 'Naidyona' on the wild cherry plum rootstock. The planting scheme in the orchard was 4.5 x 3.0 m (740 trees per hectare). Economic efficiency of trees crown formation of various diploid plum varieties was calculated. The growth vigour of the diploid plum tree depended on biological peculiarities of the variety and on crown formation. But depending on the age of the planting period and development the influence of the given factors varied. The tree yield didn't vary on crown formation variants. 'Naidyona' and 'Kometa' produced the biggest yield for 4 years of the research with the average harvesting 19.5 tons per hectare and 15.1 tons per hectare accordingly. The lowest yield appeared to be at the variety 'Lama' with 8.3 tons per hectare and 'Asaloda' (for 3 years of the research) with 6.3 tons per hectare.

About the Authors

E. S. Borovik
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

I. S. Leonovich
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Borovik E.S., Leonovich I.S. Influence of trees crown formation on growth and yield of diploid plum tree. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:142-149. (In Russ.)

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