Preliminary results of substrates study for softwood cutting method of clonal plum rootstocks
The aim of the research is the estimation of genetic potential of vegetative prune rootstock rooting (VPK-1, VVA-1, 140-2, OD-2-3) at different substrates by softwood cutting method. The following substrates were used: ‘Chervensky’ soil/pearlite; ‘Chervensky soil’/BIONA-112; ‘Chervensky soil’/AQUASOSB’. In the study the influence of rootstock forms (р<0,05), substrate type (р><0,05), and combined action (р><0,05) of the factors was established on rooting of prune vegetative rootstocks. The optimal substrate for rooting is appeared to be substrate 1 (‘Chervensky’/pearlite). The maximal amount of rooted cuttings of all studied vegetative prune rootstocks was noted on substrate 1. It was established that the best results in rooting was noted for OD-2-3 (56%). >< 0,05), substrate type (р< 0,05), and combined action (р< 0,05) of the factors was established on rooting of prune vegetative rootstocks. The optimal substrate for rooting is appeared to be substrate 1 (‘Chervensky’/pearlite). The maximal amount of rooted cuttings of all studied vegetative prune rootstocks was noted on substrate 1. It was established that the best results in rooting was noted for OD-2-3 (56%).
For citations:
Solovei O.V., Kukcharchik N.V., Kastritskaya M.S. Preliminary results of substrates study for softwood cutting method of clonal plum rootstocks. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:157-163. (In Russ.)