Sour cherry variety ‘Livenskaya’
The description of the introduced sour cherry variety 'Livenskaya' breeded in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fruit Breeding from crossing the varieties 'Lyubskaya' and 'Zhukovskaya' is given in the article. The variety is distinguished by the results of the complex evaluation in the orchard of collection study of 85 introduced sour cherry varieties. In 2008 the variety was passed to the System of the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus. The introduced sour cherry variety 'Livenskaya' is medium ripening. Trees on the seed rootstock of the wild cherry start fruiting three years after planting in an orchard and yield increases rapidly. It starts blooming in medium terms. The variety is partially fetal itself. The best pollinators are the following varieties: 'Novodvorskaya', 'Seyanets №1' and 'Vyanok'. The variety has high winterhardiness and resistance to Coccomyces and Monilia Fructigena. It is characterized by large nice fruits (the average fruit weight is 4.9 g). The potential yield of the variety is 20.5 tons per hectare and an average one is 11.6 tons per hectare. The profitability level of the variety cultivation is 165.0%.
About the Authors
M. I. VyshinskayaBelarus
A. Taranov
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For citations:
Vyshinskaya M.I., Taranov A. Sour cherry variety ‘Livenskaya’. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:164-170. (In Russ.)