Influence of postharvest 1-methylcyclopropene treatment on plum fruit quality storability
The study results of the influence of postharvest handling of plum fruits by SmartFresh, the active substance which is 1-MCP (1-Methylcyclopropene) used as an ethylene inhibitor which is evolved by fruits that causes ripening them in storage process are given in the article. It was judged on high efficacy of the drug used in fruit storage technology by the results of qualitative fruit changes, pulp firmness, and the intensity of ethylene production, a change of dry matter, sugars and titratable acids. Postharvest handling of 1-MCP slowed down ethylene formation, reduced the rate of fruits ripening, contributed to a better preservation of product fruit quality, flesh firmness and lower consumption of nutrients on the breath.
About the Authors
T. G. PrichkoRussian Federation
M. V. Karpushina
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Prichko T.G., Karpushina M.V. Influence of postharvest 1-methylcyclopropene treatment on plum fruit quality storability. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):287-292. (In Russ.)