Influence of package and storage modes of highbush blueberry fruits on their storability
While storing the highbush blueberries under conventional atmosphere storage in containers of different impermeability, it has been determined that in more air permeable containers the storage object loses consumer appeal index much faster due to attrition, and accordingly, in a hermetical packaging berries are kept longer, and loss of product quality happens due to rot. Average persistence Blueberry fruit storage in plastic containers at room temperature made 7-8 days. Berries storage in refrigerator at +5 °C temperature contributed to the extension of their keeping capacity by 2.9-3.6 times and made 20-25 days. Storing at +2 °C temperature storage period of blueberries continued for another 3-8 days.
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For citations:
Pavlovski N.B. Influence of package and storage modes of highbush blueberry fruits on their storability. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):301-306. (In Russ.)