Productiveness of gooseberry mother plantations
The results of the productiveness evaluation of gooseberry mother plantations at propagation by stooling method and layering shoots (the average shoot length diameter, shoots quantity per one mother plant and the output of standard shoots) are given in the article. The investigations were carried out within 2008-2010 in the Small Fruit Plants Growing Department of the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’. Mother plants and shoots of gooseberry varieties such as ‘Masheka’, ‘Malakchit’ and ‘Ravolt’ were the objects of the investigations. In the experiment for productiveness evaluation of gooseberry mother plantations the following planting schemes were applied: for stooling method it was 1.4×0.3 m and for layering shoots – 1.4×0.5 m. Propagation by stooling method ensures the output of standard seedlings per one hectare by 1.2-1.3 points more than at mother plantation of layering shoots. It is recommended to propagate gooseberry plants of the variety ‘Masheka’ by layering shoots.
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For citations:
Radkevich D.B. Productiveness of gooseberry mother plantations. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:228-234. (In Russ.)