Resistance to Monilia cinerea Bon. of sour and sweet cherry varieties in Northwestern Russia
An analysis of long-term data on sour cherry varieties infection by Monilia cinerea Bon. has shown that the degrees of disease manifestation may vary. In the years with favourable conditions for the development of the disease, the degree of shoots affection by an epiphytoty were 4-5 points. The high correlation between defeat of flowers and shoots was shown. Relatively resistant varieties of cherry belonging to the species C. vulgaris – ‘Krasa Tatarii’, ‘Zarnitsa’, ‘Krameri’, ‘Raduga’, ‘Amorel’ Nikiforova (C), ‘Bulatnikovskaya’, ‘Enikeevka’, ‘Molodezhnaya’, ‘Tartu’ and their hybrids with the dominance traits of species C. fruticosa – Bordovaya, Nizhnekamskaya, Uralochra were revealed. Sweet cherry is less susceptible to disease. Maximum score of defeat did not exceed 3 points. The high resistant varieties of sweet cherry to brown rot fruit - ‘Leningradskaya Rozovaya’, ‘Anne’, ‘Kati’, ‘Kristina’, ‘Seyanets Kozlovskoi’, ‘Chereshnya iz Berezhnogo’, 2-4-46 were shown. A weak correlation between brown rot stock and brown rot fruit was noted. The differences in affection of cultivars belonging to C. vulgaris, C. fruticosa and C. avium were revealed.
About the Authors
S. Yu. OrlovaRussian Federation
A. A. Yushev
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Orlova S.Yu., Yushev A.A. Resistance to Monilia cinerea Bon. of sour and sweet cherry varieties in Northwestern Russia. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:297-306. (In Russ.)