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Influence of the Phytovital on distribution of infectious and non-infectious diseases on apple fruits of the varieties ‘Imant’ and ‘Charavnitsa’


The influence of the Phytovital preparation (phyto and growth regulator – adaptogene on the basis of derivative carboxylic acids) on infectious (bitter rot, fruit rot, penicillin mould) and noninfectious diseases (flesh brown spot) on fruits of apple varieties ‘Charavnitsa’ and ‘Imant’ was studied within 2009-2011. Application of tank mixture of the Phytovital with calcium chloride solution increases the output of marketable products on fruits of the apple tree variety ‘Charavnitsa’ by 1.3 times as much in comparison with the control. Foliar application of the tank mixture of the Phytovital and calcium chloride solution reduces penicillin and bitter rot distribution on fruits of apple variety ‘Charavnitsa’ by 2.3 and 13.2% in comparison with the control. Phytovital application on trees of the variety ‘Charavnitsa’ decreases the level of fruit damages by scab in an orchard.

About the Authors

D. I. Martsinkevich
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

A. M. Krivorot
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Martsinkevich D.I., Krivorot A.M. Influence of the Phytovital on distribution of infectious and non-infectious diseases on apple fruits of the varieties ‘Imant’ and ‘Charavnitsa’. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:344-349. (In Russ.)

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