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Study of apple of Ukrainian and Polish breeding for suitability of growing in Belarus


The prospective introduced Polish and Ukrainian cultivars were studied for suitability of growing in the Belarusian conditions according to the complex of economical and biological features, such as winter resistance, resistance to diseases, fruit quality and keeping capacity.

As a result of artificial freezing the cultivars ‘Start’ (Ukraine), ‘Redcraft’, ‘Sava’ and ‘Vitos‘ (Poland) were found to be resistant to low temperatures by 4 components.

The Ukrainian cultivars ‘Amulet’, ‘Tsiganochka’ and ‘Perlina Kieva’ were considered as highly resistant to scab; the cultivars ‘Askolda’, ‘Elegia’, ‘Redcraft’ and ‘Sava’as having long keeping capacity and stable good fruit taste.

Estimating the complex of economical and biological features (winter resistance, resistance to scab and phyllostictosis, fruit quality and keeping capacity) two apple cultivars ‘Redcraft’ and ‘Sava’ were selected. They excel the standard cultivar ‘Antonovka’ and therefore are suitable for growing in Belarusian conditions.

About the Authors

Z. A. Kozlovskaya
РУП Институт плодоводства

S. A. Yarmolich
РУП Институт плодоводства

G. M. Marudo
РУП Институт плодоводства


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2. Программа и методика сортоизучения плодовых, ягодных и орехоплодных культур / ВНИИСПК; под общ. ред. Е.Н. Седова и Т.П. Огольцовой. – Орел: ВНИИСПК, 1999. – 608 с.

3. Ярмолич, С.А. Биологические особенности и хозяйственная ценность новых интродуцированных сортов и перспективных гибридов яблони белорусской селекции: автореф. дис. … канд. с.-х. наук: 06.01.05 / С.А. Ярмолич; РУП «Институт плодоводства». – Самохваловичи, 2009. – 20 с.


For citations:

Kozlovskaya Z.A., Yarmolich S.A., Marudo G.M. Study of apple of Ukrainian and Polish breeding for suitability of growing in Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):9-16. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)