Growth and yield of apple trees on dwarf rootstocks using different means of keeping ground near stems in young orchard
The article describes the results of study of different ways to keep ground near stems in a young orchard.
The significant positive influence of mulching ground by sawdust on the indices of tree growth is established – bole cross-section area and its increase was higher than at keeping the ground near stems with herbicides and fallow land.
Summarizing two years of fruiting the highest yield was harvested from studied cv. ‘Vesialina’ and ‘Alesya’ on dwarf rootstock 62-396 in the variant of keeping ground with fal-low lad – 20.3 and 16.1 t/ha; on super-dwarf rootstock PB-4 – in the variant of mulching ground – 15.2 и 19.3 t/ha with high outcome of marketable fruit – on 2-12% in comparison with control variant.
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For citations:
Leonovich I.S. Growth and yield of apple trees on dwarf rootstocks using different means of keeping ground near stems in young orchard. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):41-47. (In Russ.)