Productivity forming of apple cv. ‘Antey’ and ‘Alesya’ on rootstocks 62-396 and PB-4
The results of comparative characteristics of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of apple ‘cultivar-rootstock’ combinations are given. Based on morphological analysis of crown the general number and density of growing points on a tree branch of cv. ‘Antey’ and ‘Alesya’ are defined in according to rootstock growth strength.
The trees on rootstock PB-4 are worse than the trees on dwarf rootstock 62-396 in the vegetative growth characteristics. Despite of planting density increase in 50%, the leaf area of the trees on PB-4 per hectare was less in 2.15-2.5 times in comparison with the trees on 62-396.
The trees on 62-396 excelled the ones on PB-4 considerably on density and general number of growing points due to the higher growth strength on this rootstock.
The using of dwarf rootstock PB-4 leads to decrease of fruit mass on the large-fruit cv. ‘Antey’ in comparison with 62-396. The type of rootstock doesn’t influence considerably on cv. ‘Alesya’ with average fruit mass 140-166 g.
Yield per tree and per area on both cultivars was higher on the dwarf rootstock 62-396 in comparison with PB-4.
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For citations:
Kukhto V.S. Productivity forming of apple cv. ‘Antey’ and ‘Alesya’ on rootstocks 62-396 and PB-4. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):48-54. (In Russ.)