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New sour cherry cultivar ‘Lasuha’


The new sour cherry cultivar description is given. The cultivar bred in The Institute For Fruit Growing (authors M.I. Vyshinskaya, A.A. Taranov) of free pollination of Russian cv. ‘Molodezhnaya’ by pollen of American cv. ‘Nort Star’.

According to the results of complex evaluation in the collection garden and the garden of initial cultivar study the seedling 90-37/122 was selected to elite in 2006 and named ‘Lasuha’, passed to State Testing Committee. The new cultivar is early-ripening. The trees on wild cherry rootstock began to bear fruit in 3rd year after planting and increase yield briefly. It blossoms in early terms. The cultivar is self-sterile. The best pollinators are ‘Vyanok’, ‘Novodvorskaya’, ‘Nort Star’. The cultivar is winter hard, resistant to Cherry leaf Spot, has large fruit (average mass 4.8 g) and high taste and marketable qualities. The potential yield is 21.0 t/ha (31.5 kg/tree), average – 8.8 t/ha. Profitability is 153%.

About the Authors

M. I. Vyshinskaya
РУП Институт плодоводства

A. A. Taranov
РУП Институт плодоводства


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2. Определение устойчивости плодовых и ягодных культур к стрессорам холодного времени года в полевых и контролируемых условиях: метод. указ. / М.М. Тюрина [и др.]; под ред. В.И. Кашина. – М.: ВСТИСП, 2002. – 119 с.

3. Юшев, А.А. Широкий унифицированный классификатор СЭВ рода Cerasus Mill. / А.А. Юшев [и др.] // Всесоюзный НИИ растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова (ВИР); ред. И.А. Тарасюк. – Ленинград, 1989. – 46 с.


For citations:

Vyshinskaya M.I., Taranov A.A. New sour cherry cultivar ‘Lasuha’. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):136-141. (In Russ.)

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