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Growth and yield of sour cherry trees on dwarf rootstocks subject to planting schemes


During 2005-2009 the growth and the yield of cherry trees cv. ‘Vyanok’ and ‘Nort Star’ on rootstocks wild cherry, ‘Izmaylovsky’ (PN) and OVP-2 subject to planting schemes 4 х 1.5 m, 4 х 2, 4 х 2.5 m. The variety differences of growth strength, flowering intensity and yield are established on cherry trees. The cross-section area of cv ’Vyanok’ trees is more in 1.12-1.24 times, than of cv. ‘Nort Star’.

Decreasing spacing between the trees leads to reducing of the bole cross-section area of cv ’Vyanok’ on OVP-2 and cv. ‘Nort Star’ on PN.

The trees’ yield of cv. ‘Nort Star’ is higher in 2-2.5 times than cv. ’Vyanok’. The twoyear yield of both cultivars is higher on the rootstock ‘Izmaylovsky’.

The compaction of the cv. ’Vyanok’ trees to 1.5 m is worth on OVP-2 only. The wild cherry and ‘Izmaylovsky’ rootstocks using with 2m spacing between trees give the higher yield per hectare, than OVP-2.

The profitability has close relation  to  the  yield.  The most profitable is using cv. ’Vyanok’ on ‘Izmaylovsky’ at planting scheme 4 х 2 m and using cv. ‘Nort Star’ on OVP-2 and ‘Izmaylovsky’ at scheme 4 х 1.5 m.

About the Author

N. H. Kapichnikova
РУП Институт плодоводства


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For citations:

Kapichnikova N.H. Growth and yield of sour cherry trees on dwarf rootstocks subject to planting schemes. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):168-175. (In Russ.)

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