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Chemical composition of apricot fruit in Krasnodar region


Based on the works carried out to determine the chemical composition of apricot fruit, the data was obtained that allowed to identify the cultivars with valuable characteristics of quality such as accumulation of dry matter, sugar, organic acids, polyphenols, ascorbic acid, β-carotene. The complex of carbohydrates was found to be quantitatively predominant in apricot fruit, that may influence on its nutritional value, and in addition to organic acids influence the fruit flavor. Characteristic differences are found out in the quantitative ratios between reducing and total sugars, in vitamin C and polyphenols accumulation. The presented data of amino acid and flavour forming complex of apricot fruit on which the organoleptic characteristics of fruit depend, allows to evaluate the variety of taste objectively.

About the Author

L. D. Chalaya
ГНУ Северо-Кавказский зональный НИИ садоводства и виноградарства
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Chalaya L.D. Chemical composition of apricot fruit in Krasnodar region. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):233-241. (In Russ.)

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