Self-fertility of black currant cultivars in Tambov region
The results of fertility estimation of 46 black currant variety samples (percentage of fruit sets and ripe fruit, average fruit mass, yield from 100 flowers, average seed number in fruit) in different pollination treatments (natural and artificial self-pollination, open pollination) are shown. The cv. ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Vospominanie’, ‘Zelyonaya dymka’, ‘Karmelita’, ‘Sensei’, ‘Stor Klas’, ‘Tamerlan’, ‘Titania’, ‘Chyornyi zhemchug, ‘Elevesta and promising seedlings 13-187, 13-4-195, 19-5-16, 1513-10-172 have been selected as the most self-fertile and high productive ones by natural pollination, providing annual high yield production based on one cultivar’s commercial plantation. The positive effect of open pollination on fertility of variety sample has been shown; their combined location in plantation results in 16.6-29.4% yield in-crement compared with one cultivar’s commercial plantation.
About the Authors
T. V. ZhidyokhinaRussian Federation
I. V. Guryeva
Russian Federation
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3. Доспехов, Б.А. Методика полевого опыта / Б.А. Доспехов. – М., 1985. – 351 с.
For citations:
Zhidyokhina T.V., Guryeva I.V. Self-fertility of black currant cultivars in Tambov region. Fruit Growing. 2010;22(1):251-255. (In Russ.)