Influence of fertilizers on the ability of rooting of large cranberry cuttings under the rolled method of reproduction
The article presents the results of a comparative study in greenhouse of influence of organic fertilizers (Ecohum complex and 10 % MaCloR) and mineral fertilizer (Basacote Plus 6M) on ability to rhyzogenesis and further development of cuttings of early ripening Ben Lear and late ripening Stevens cultivars of American cranberries, rooted in a roll from highbog peat. Significant genotypic differences were established in the response of emerging plants to tested agronomic techniques. It was shown that the use of organic fertilizers provide increase for both cranberry cultivars in average shoot length by 8–83 % (compared with control). The increase for 8–11 % in size of assimilating organs for cv. Ben Lear after using 10 % MaCloR and decrease for 14–30 % when using Ecohum complex were detected. The Stevens cultivar showed opposite changes in the range of 8–27 %.
It has been established that for early-ripening cultivar, the integral effectiveness of organic fertilizers (improving of biometric indicators of current growth), especially for Ecohum complex, was 2.3–3.2 times higher than that of mineral fertilizer. In the late-ripening cultivar Stevens the inhibitory effect of Basacote Plus 6M was lower compared to Ben Lear, and the efficacy of the 10 % MaCloR and Ecohum complex was 3.4 and 9.3 times lower, respectively.
It was shown that in early ripe cranberry cultivar the use of organic fertilizers, especially 10 % MaCloR, promote activation of phytomass accumulation by 9–42 % in most of organs of developing plants in the absence of a noticeable positive effect when applying mineral fertilizer. In the late-ripening cultivar, all the tested agricultural practices, especially with the use of organic fertilizers, inhibited the accumulation of phytomass in all plant organs by 11–52 % (compared with the control), that indicated their absolute inefficiency in this regard.
About the Authors
A. P. YakovlevBelarus
Zh. A. Rupasova
S. P. Antokhina
I. V. Savosko
E. I. Kolomiets
Z. M. Aleshchenkova
T. M. Karbanovich
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For citations:
Yakovlev A.P., Rupasova Zh.A., Antokhina S.P., Savosko I.V., Kolomiets E.I., Aleshchenkova Z.M., Karbanovich T.M. Influence of fertilizers on the ability of rooting of large cranberry cuttings under the rolled method of reproduction. Fruit Growing. 2020;32(1):159-165. (In Russ.)