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Influence of fertilizings on formation of vegetative sphere of virgin cranberry plants on the developed peat deposit of high type


The results of comparative study of influence of mineral (Basacotе Plus 6М) and organic (Ecohum complex, 5 and 10 % MaCloR) fertilizings on basic biometrical characteristics of vegetative organs of virgin American cranberry plants (early-ripening cv. Ben Lear and late-ripening cv. Stevens) under pilot-plant conditions on the developed peat deposits in Smalyavichy District (Minsk region) and Dokshytsy District (Vitebsk region) are given. Significant interregional, genotypic and interalternative distinctions of their response to tested agricultural methods (during essential activization of formation of current increment of vegetative sphere) are revealed. It is shown that in Smalyavichy District the most effective was addition of mineral fertilizer Basacotе Plus 6М (especially for vegetative shoots), whereas the least effective – application of 10 % MaCloR. Thus integrated efficacy of all kinds of organic fertilizers was inferior than efficacy of mineral fertilizer in 2.4–8.6 times for cultivar Ben Lear and in 3.3–6.2 times for cultivar Stevens. Ecohum complex application was superior to application of 5 and 10 % MaCloR in productivity accordingly in 2.1 and 3.6 times for early-ripening cultivar (and in 1.4 and 1.9 times for late-ripening cultivar).

In more northern Dokshytsy District the greatest activization of aerial sphere development of both cranberry cultivars was revealed also during addition of mineral fertilizer Basacotе Plus 6М. Efficacy of Basacotе Plus 6М in Dokshytsy District was in 2–2.5 times superior to its efficasy in Smalyavichy District for both categories of shoots of early-ripe cultivar and for sprawling shoots of late-ripening cultivar. But it was inferior in 2.8 times for its upright shoots. Use of organic fertilizers proved to be inefficient for development of sprawling shoots of cv. Ben Lear; also organic fertilizers were significantly worse than mineral fertilizer for reproductive shoots. For cultivar Stevens activization of development of vegetative shoots during manuring in Dokshytsy District was in 2–18 time superior to that in Smalyavichy District and was comparable in both districts for generative shoots. Efficacy of Ecohum complex and 10 % MaCloR was inferior to efficacy of mineral fertilizer in 4.5–6.9 times for cv. Stevens and in 61–276 times for cv. Ben Lear (the inhibition of current increment of cv. Ben Lear vegetative sphere was observed during application of 5 % concentration of MaCloR). It is shown that for second cultivar effectiveness of 10 % MaCloR was superior in 4.5 times to that of Ecohum complex; but for first cultivar efficacy of 5 and 10 % MaCloR, on the contrary, was lower in 1.5 and 1.2 times.

About the Authors

A. P. Yakovlev
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

Zh. A. Rupasova
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

S. P. Antokhina
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

I. V. Savosko
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

P. N. Belyi
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

E. I. Kolomiets
ГНУ «Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси»

Z. M. Aleshchenkova
ГНУ «Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси»

T. M. Karbanovich
Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Беларусь


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For citations:

Yakovlev A.P., Rupasova Zh.A., Antokhina S.P., Savosko I.V., Belyi P.N., Kolomiets E.I., Aleshchenkova Z.M., Karbanovich T.M. Influence of fertilizings on formation of vegetative sphere of virgin cranberry plants on the developed peat deposit of high type. Fruit Growing. 2020;32(1):166-176. (In Russ.)

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