The annual cycle of differentiation of the rudiments of peach flowers after the severe winter of 2020–2021
The article sets the timeframe for the main phenological stages of peach, as well as the required amount of effective temperatures above +5 °C for their passing and growing season length based on the example of the variety of Belarusian selection Loiko.
The terms of the beginning of an organogenesis of flower rudiments after a severe winter and damage of generative buds, skeletal branches are outlined. The peculiarities of the differentiation process during the growing season and the required amounts of effective temperatures for each stage of flower organogenesis in the central zone of Belarus are presented.
The data obtained show that in late November the process of differentiation in most generative buds stops at stage VII b with a well-defined rudiment of the pistil and its clear differentiation into stigma and style. In the case of thawing during the winter, the process of organogenesis does not stop, and in February the development of flower buds in the generative buds reaches stage VIII with the formation of the ovary and the growth of stamens with anthers of characteristic shape.
About the Authors
V. V. VasehaBelarus
V. A. Matsveeu
M. M. Barysenka
Russian Federation
K. A. Charnavokaya
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Vaseha V.V., Matsveeu V.A., Barysenka M.M., Charnavokaya K.A. The annual cycle of differentiation of the rudiments of peach flowers after the severe winter of 2020–2021. Fruit Growing. 2022;34(1):82-89. (In Russ.)