Influence of fertilizers on accumulation of organic acids and carbohydrates in Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait. Pers. fruits on the disused raised peat bogs in the conditions found in Belarus
The results of a 2019–2020 comparative study of accumulation parameters of a number of organic acids and carbohydrates in the fruits of large cranberry when using the ‘Basacote Plus 6M’ mineral fertilizer, the microbial preparation ‘MakloR’ in 5- and 10 % concentrations and non-root treatments with ‘Ecogum-complex’ for growing on recultivated areas of raised peat bog deposits taken out of commercial operation in the Smolevichi district of the Minsk region and in the Dokshitsky district of the Vitebsk region that is located 250 km to the north are presented. It was found that the geographical factor has a significant influence on the concentration of the indicated compounds in the fruits, the degree of which is determined by the plant genotype, the type of fertilizers and the weather conditions of the growing season.
In both studied areas, regardless of the hydrothermal regime of the season, the application of all types of fertilizers had a generally positive effect on the accumulation of carbohydrates in fruits against the background of inhibition of the biosynthesis of organic acids, especially in the southern region, which caused an increase in the sugar-acid index, most pronounced when treated with ‘Ecogum-complex’.
About the Authors
Zh. A. RupasovaBelarus
A. P. Yakovlev
N. B. Krinitskaya
V. S. Zadalya
P. N. Beliy
T. V. Shpitalnaya
E. I. Kolomiets
Z. M. Aleshchenkova
I. N. Ananieva
L. E. Kartyzhova
N. G. Klishevich
T. M. Karbanovich
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For citations:
Rupasova Zh.A., Yakovlev A.P., Krinitskaya N.B., Zadalya V.S., Beliy P.N., Shpitalnaya T.V., Kolomiets E.I., Aleshchenkova Z.M., Ananieva I.N., Kartyzhova L.E., Klishevich N.G., Karbanovich T.M. Influence of fertilizers on accumulation of organic acids and carbohydrates in Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait. Pers. fruits on the disused raised peat bogs in the conditions found in Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2022;34(1):120-126. (In Russ.)