Viability and gametic sterility of hazelnut varieties
This article presents the results of the research on the quality of hazelnut pollen samples. The objects of the study were two varieties and two hybrids of the Belarusian selection, as well as three varieties of the Russian selection of the collection of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. The results of reciprocal crossings are presented within the framework of this study, and also the viability and gametic sterility of these samples are assessed.
The research results have shown that the Yashma, Ekaterina and Tambovsky early varieties are good pollinators for the Lal hazelnut variety. As for the Jasper variety, a good level of pollination is provided by the Tambovsky early variety and selection 15-11/37; for the promising hybrid 15-11/37 (Tambov early open pollinated.), the best option for pollination is the use of the Ekaterina variety.
About the Authors
M. N. BorisenkoBelarus
V. V. Vasekha
K. A. Chernookaya
N. V. Lugovtsova
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For citations:
Borisenko M.N., Vasekha V.V., Chernookaya K.A., Lugovtsova N.V. Viability and gametic sterility of hazelnut varieties. Fruit Growing. 2022;34(1):157-162. (In Russ.)