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Antropic principle of cognition of the Universe


The article proposes an alternative view of the theory of the Big Bang, which served as the initial point for the formation of the Universe. The anthropic hypothesis sees our universe as a single electromagnetic entity, consistently realizing itself at seven stages of evolution.
1. The germ (Genome) of the universe, which is represented by a scalar value (field) in the form of a noumenal (hypothetical) electromagnetic dipole, that is in a state of cosmological singularity.
2. The spatial environment of “dark energy” in the form of a chaos of a volumetric web of point sources of electric charges and magnetic lines of force, which should not be associated with electrons and positrons of electricity familiar to our ear and the north and south poles of a magnet.
3. The spatial environment of “dark matter” (ether) in the form of a three-dimensional web of negatively and positively charged magnetic monopoles.
4. The physical Universe in the form of photon (electromagnetic) gratings - fluctuations, black holes and stars of galaxies that we observe, as well as objects of knowledge in our solar system and directly on Earth.
5. Psychic (Intellectual) Universe in the form of a single consciousness / mind continuum, which physically manifests itself as Ego – I.
6–7. Currently with our imperfect mind Ego – I we can hardly realize the subsequent stages of the evolution of the consciousness / mind continuum, but the anthropic hypothesis suggests that humanity, as well as every human being that is aware of himself as a creative individual, is able to foresee possible options for the development of our civilization up to the intuitive (holistic) perception of the single essence of the universe and the subsequent formation of the germ (Genome), which ensures its subsequent life cycle.

About the Author

V. A. Matveev
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Matveev V.A. Antropic principle of cognition of the Universe. Fruit Growing. 2022;34(1):243-261. (In Russ.)

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