The economic value of hybrid hazelnuts bred by Ya. B. Kwach
The article presents the results of the economic evaluation of 6 red-leaves hybrids bred by Ya. B. Kwach. The studies were conducted during 2020-2022. The Academic Yablokov and Moskovskiy rubin hazelnuts varieties of Russian selection were used as the control varieties for comparison.
A brief characteristics of the studied genotypes in terms of winter hardiness, the size and weight parameters of nuts, productivity, peculiarities of distribution of the fruit yield on fruit-bearing shoots, biochemical composition of nuts is given. The article analyzes specific features of growth and development of selected forms of hazelnuts bred by Ya. B. Kwach against each of the indicators.
Based on the obtained data the following hybrids of Kwach’s breeding were highlighted as sources of the main economically valuable traits for further breeding work: for the combination of large-fruited potential and kernel yield – Kwachovsky № 6, Kwachovsky № 7; for the combination of yield and optimal crop load distribution on the fruit-bearing shoots of different lengths – Kwachovsky No. 6, Kwachovsky № 7, Kwachovsky № 8; for the rich biochemical composition of the nuts in terms of the amount of fats – Kwachovsky № 1, Kwachovsky № 3, Kwachovsky № 8 and in terms of total sugars – Kwachovsky № 2, Kwachovsky № 6, Kwachovsky № 7, Kwachovsky № 8.
About the Authors
V. V. VasekhaBelarus
M. M. Barysenka
K. A. Charnavokaya
V. A. Matsveey
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For citations:
Vasekha V.V., Barysenka M.M., Charnavokaya K.A., Matsveey V.A. The economic value of hybrid hazelnuts bred by Ya. B. Kwach. Fruit Growing. 2023;35(2):139-144. (In Russ.)