Impact of storage period on the sales terms of highbush blueberry products
The residual effect of fruit storage of 6 varieties of highbush blueberry of different periods of harvest ripening depending on the storage period under conditions of ordinary gas atmosphere at a temperature of 4 °C was assessed. After a 3-day modeling of market conditions at a temperature of 18–20 °C, economically feasible yield of standard berries (90.0 % or more) was marked during storage from 2 (Spartan, Bluecrop, Goldtraube) up to 3 weeks (Bluejay, Sunrise, Brigitta Blue), after a 5-day modeling – from 1 (Spartan, Bluecrop, Sunrise, Goldtraube) up to 2 weeks (Bluejay, Brigitta Blue). When bringing the blueberry products to the consumer the yield of healthy fruits is significantly influenced by the sales terms (50.8 %) and the storage period (42.3 %), while the natural decrease of the mass of berries and the yield of non-standard fruits are influenced by factors such as sales terms (83.3 and 81.2 %, respectively) and the variety factor (10.5 and 7.5 %, respectively).
For blueberry products to be placed in retail chain stores at a temperature of 18–20 °C the most optimal storage periods of the fruits are from 1 week when selling products within 5 days to 2 weeks on condition of selling the berries within 3 days.
About the Author
O. V. DrozdBelarus
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For citations:
Drozd O.V. Impact of storage period on the sales terms of highbush blueberry products. Fruit Growing. 2024;36:101-105. (In Russ.)