Comparative essessment of chemical indicators of plum plants infected with Plum pox virus
The research work was carried out in 2015-2016 in the biotechnology department in The Institute for Fruit Growing and in The Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The chemical composition of fruits and plum plants infected with Plum pox virus in vivo, and plum regenerated plants in vitro after chemotherapy of PPV (20 mg/L virazole) was estimated. The chemical indicators of fruits, leaves and regenerated plants were evaluated using a CHNS analyzer (N, S, C, H) and atomic emission spectroscopy (P, Ca, K, Mg, B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Na, Cr, S). The obtained results indicated changes in the chemical composition of fruits and leaves of plants infected with Plum pox virus, as well as absorption and accumulation of nutrients when cultivating the infected plants in vitro and with chemotherapy.
About the Authors
N. V. KukharchikBelarus
M. S. Kastritskaya
S. E. Semenas
E. D. Skakovsky
L. Yu. Tychinskaya
L. L. Buntsevich
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kukharchik N.V., Kastritskaya M.S., Semenas S.E., Skakovsky E.D., Tychinskaya L.Yu., Buntsevich L.L. Comparative essessment of chemical indicators of plum plants infected with Plum pox virus. Fruit Growing. 2017;29(1):70-75. (In Russ.)