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Efficacy of introduction in culture in vitro of grapevine of Tajik assortment


The researches were carried out in the Center of Biotechnology of the Tajik National University within 2013-2014. The objects of the researches were grapevine cultivars widely cultivated in the Republic of Tajikistan, characterised by a complex of economic traits. Among them were the following cultivars: Mugchilony, Dili captar, Nimrang, Sohibi, Djaus (Sultony), Dumi rubox and Husajne sieh. High initiation performance of in vitro culture (more than 87.9-97.5 %) of all cultivars at the offered scheme of defertilization was revealed. For the cultivar Husajne sieh this indicator made 55.6 %. Productivity of the use of various explants types differed slightly and made 86.4-91.9 % for apical and lateral buds, corymbs and 78.0 % for meristem.

About the Authors

S. K. Yasaulova
Центр биотехнологии Таджикского национального университета

H. I. Bobodzhanova
Центр биотехнологии Таджикского национального университета

N. V. Kukharchik
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Yasaulova S.K., Bobodzhanova H.I., Kukharchik N.V. Efficacy of introduction in culture in vitro of grapevine of Tajik assortment. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:271-278. (In Russ.)

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