Mineral and hormonal composition of nutritional medium for gooseberry cultivating in in vitro culture
At in vitro propagation of gooseberry cultivars such as ‗Malachite‘, ‗Kurshu dzintars‘, ‗Severny kapitan‘ and ‗Ravolt‘ there was used Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. It was modified by the content of macrosalts, phytohormones and by a source of carbohydrates. At the micropropagation initial stage (1-2nd passages) of gooseberry cultivars it is possible to use a nutritional medium in which all macrosalts of MS are reduced by 20 % as well as the one in which only the content of ammonium nitrate and potassium is three times reduced. For pulling of conglomerates of gooseberry regenerant plants it is better to use a medium in which all macrosalts of MS are reduced by 20 % with GA3 addition in a concentration of 0.3 or 0.5 mg/l and in a combination of 6-BA (0.1-0.2 mg/l). As a source of carbohydrates it is possible to use both sucrose and glucose. At the propagation of gooseberry cultivars in a sterile culture varietal features were determined. The cultivar ‗Severny kapitan‘ differs by its good development in culture in vitro. The propagation of ‗Ravolt‘ and ‗Kurshu dzintars‘ depends on cultivating conditions. The cultivar ‗Malachite‘ is badly propagated in sterile conditions.
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For citations:
Kolbanova E.V. Mineral and hormonal composition of nutritional medium for gooseberry cultivating in in vitro culture. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):284-294. (In Russ.)