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Weather conditions influence of the vegetative period on biochemichal composition of the dog rose and viburnum fruits with introduction in Belarus


The article presents the results of a comparative study of fruits biochemical composition of 5 introduced dog rose cultivars of Russian breeding – ‘Globus’, ‘Krupnoplodny’, ‘Vorontsovski-1’, ‘Vorontsovski-2’ and ‘Rossijski-2’ and 5 taxa of natural and widespread in Belarus viburnum and 4 hybrids of Russian breeding such as №1-11, №2-11, №3-11, №4-11 in contrast by moisture, but similar by temperature regime 2011 and 2012 seasons. It was shown that with a deficit of moisture at representatives of both species there were observed preferential fruits enrichment by pectins, bioflavonoids, including leucantocyanins and catechins, tannins, nitrogen and phosphorus, on the background of potassium, phenol carbonic acids and soluble sugars depletion, with drops in the sugar-acid index and no change in the content of dry matters. However, at the orientation of the interseasonal differences in the content of ascorbic and free organic acids, anthocyanins and flavonols at the given species there were found opposite trends. It can be explained as a longer duration of the ripening period of viburnum fruits as well as by species-specific response of the introducents to changes in hydrothermal regime of the season. It was shown that the hot and dry second season had improved fruits quality of most taxa of both species. Among the dog rose cultivars the highest integral levels increasing nutrient and vitamin fruit value, compared with excessively moisture season had ‘Vorontsovski-2’ and especially ‘Vorontsovski-1’. While the lowest, and the same index was at ‘Krupnoplodny’ and ‘Rossijski-2’ cultivars. Wild viburnum adapted to local conditions in taxonomic viburnum range was characterized by the most significant improvement in fruits quality and by the greatest lability of their biochemical composition. While the hybrids №1-11 and №2-11 were marked by the deteriorating quality of fruits.

For citations:

Rupasova Zh.A., Garanovich I.M., Shpitalnaya T.V., Vasileuskaya T.I., Varavina N.P., Krinitskaya N.B., Lyohkaya L.V., Titok V.V. Weather conditions influence of the vegetative period on biochemichal composition of the dog rose and viburnum fruits with introduction in Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):309-325. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)