Strawberry cultivars recommended for quick freezing
Biochemical quality indicators of fresh strawberries of 30 cultivars, grown in Krasnodar region, for the content of soluble solids, sugars, acids, vitamin C, P-active substances are given in the article. The results of organoleptic evaluation of frozen berries on indicators of appearance, firmness, aroma and taste are presented. It has been determined that a decrease in content of bioactive substances, due to the cultivar characteristics, is observed under freezing and storage of strawberries at low temperature. The degree of preservation of soluble solids, sugars, acids, vitamins and anthocyanins of strawberries after defrosting has been estimated. The average loss of soluble solids made 2 %, Vitamin C – 15 %, catechins and anthocyanins – 7-8 %. Berries of such cultivars as ‘Alba’, ‘Nelly’, ‘Arosa’, ‘Marmolada’, ‘Florence’, ‘Honey’, ‘Symphony’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Diamant’, ‘Cardinal’ and ‘Everest’ have preserved maximum of their nutritional value. On the basis of a set of indicators strawberry cultivars recommended for quick freezing have been singled out. They are ‘Alba’, ‘Nelly’, ‘Arosa’, ‘Cardinal’, ‘Kamaroza’, ‘Darselekt’, ‘Polka’, ‘Marmolada’, ‘Symphony’, ‘Clery’, ‘Florence’, ‘Tsaritsa’, ‘Honey’, ‘Everest’, ‘Ev’yu-2’ and ‘Elsanta’.
About the Authors
T. G. PrichkoRussian Federation
M. G. Germanova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Prichko T.G., Germanova M.G. Strawberry cultivars recommended for quick freezing. Fruit Growing. 2012;24(1):293-300. (In Russ.)