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Grape and wine-making production yield-capacity and quality when biologised protection against oidium applied


Data on biological effectiveness of complex grape-protecting-against-oidium systems alongside with application of chemical and microbiological (fungi- and bacterial) fungicides are presented in the given paper as well as the resulting influence of the systems on the grape yield capacity and net-mass sugar content in grapes is noted. Fungicide phytotoxicity stress decrease in biologically protecting systems preserving moisture content in the plants is shown. Quantity and quality changes of biologically valuable substances and cations of metals measured in dry red wines after fungi and bacterial microbiofungicides application in complex systems designed to protect plants against oidium are outlined. Comparing to standard chemical protecting methods with the results received from the biologised ones, increasing amount of resveratrol and chlorogenic acid reduction have been registered, as well as decreased magnesium cations quantity in the samples taken from biologically protected vineyard plots is defined. Significant rise of orotate potassium (Vitamin B13) has been found in the wine samples when applied fungi biofungicide in comparison with other samples. Dry red wines quality is found to be influenced favourably when biologised protecting systems are applied.

About the Authors

E. G. Jurchencko
ГНУ Северо-Кавказский зональный научно-исследовательский институт садоводства и виноградарства Россельхозакадемии
Russian Federation

O. P. Antonenko
ГНУ Северо-Кавказский зональный научно-исследовательский институт садоводства и виноградарства Россельхозакадемии
Russian Federation

N. P. Gracheva
НПП ООО «Юг-Агроэкос»
Russian Federation

V. N. Nichiporencko
ООО агрофирма «Южная»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Jurchencko E.G., Antonenko O.P., Gracheva N.P., Nichiporencko V.N. Grape and wine-making production yield-capacity and quality when biologised protection against oidium applied. Fruit Growing. 2011;23:336-343. (In Russ.)

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